Friday, August 17, 2012


My new study partner, Nathan, and I figured out what libraries are all about earlier today. We didn't know what this line of code that said require 'date' was all about, so we commented it out, and then had an "ah-ha!" moment. It's a library! It's something fun built in to Ruby that you can just pull out when you need it. Just like Sinatra is also a library?

Unfortunately, then we both learned that neither of us was accepted to the internship. Ultimately, I'm kind of okay with that. I'm just barely scratching the surface of what Ruby can do, and I'm sure in a few months I'll look back and laugh at my pathetic attempts. I taught myself how to knit almost five years ago, and it was a long process, and I am still learning things to this day. So I'll just stick with it and some day I'll be as good a programmer as I am a knitter. Because I'm pretty good at knitting. 

Also, it helps a ton to have a person to bounce ideas off of! Even though I didn't produce anything during our several-hour study session, I feel like I reinforced some concepts, and "ah-ha!" moments are worth like 1,000 points.

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