Wednesday, August 8, 2012

the things i've been doing

I started off on my first day of Ruby learnin' with
Then I spent the better part of a whole evening setting up my Ruby and Rails environment as instructed by Railscast #310.
After that, I had a pleasant breather with Why's (poignant) Guide to Ruby.
Then I really put the nose to the grindstone with (so far!) my favorite tutorial, Ruby in 100 Minutes from JumpStartLab.
Looked at Rails for Zombies, got confused, ran away.
Found Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial, got overwhelmed...ran away.
So I started playing RubyWarrior, got to level 4, got stuck. Read a ton of documentation, asked some friends, stayed stuck.
Started a simple unit converter project, (have I mentioned I got stuck?) got stuck, finally figured it out, wanted to add some text prompts, got stuck again.
Came back to Rails for Zombies, started getting the hang of it (!!), felt I needed more basics, went back to Ruby.
Currently plowing through Learn Ruby the Hard Way, where I'm learning lots!

Short-term goals:
Work on that unit converter so it asks you politely (or not) what units you'd like to convert from/to, and outputs the result in a polite (or not!) manner.
Make a GitHub repo.
Write a text-based adventure! Because everyone loves those!
Write a web app that takes all of my common words and phrases and randomizes them into strings of speech so that I basically never have to speak again. My reactions and responses to things are pretty generic, anyway, and usually involve something about "butts," "whales," or "bacon."

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